March 2015
Vol. 31, Issue 1
From the Peeks to the Steeps to the Flats to the Deeps
Tribute to Dr. George Waring III
Robert Osher M.D.
Look What I Found!
Double Crystalline Lens
Drs. Jagat Ram, Surinder Pandav, and Aniruddha Agarwal
Posterior Capsular Cysts
Drs. Arvind Venkataraman and Navin Jayakumar
Polychromasia Capsulare
Robert Osher, MD, Deborah Osborn, David Wang
Pulsatile Herniation of the Posterior Capsule
Drs. Cristina Mendoza, Francesc March, and Claudia Palacio
Vanishing CTR
James Davison, MD
Haptic Transplant
Drs. Partha Biswas, Arnab Biswas, Subharangshu Sengupta, Ajoy Paul
Capsular Bag Transplant
Yuriy Kondratenko, MD
Explosion of the Bag
Virgilio Centurion, MD
IOL Surprises
Dr. Mohan Rajan
Anterior Segment Transplantation
Dr. Amar Agarwal
Robert Osher, MD
Chief Editor
Michael Snyder, MD
Anterior Segment
Graham Barrett, MD
George Waring IV, MD
Ike Ahmed, MD
Vol 40, Issue 3
A Treasure Chest of Surgical Pearls
Vol 40, Issue 2
The Essential Partnership with Industry
Vol 40, Issue 1
40 Year Anniversary: IT’S ALL ABOUT SCIENCE
Vol 39, Issue 4
Shocking Cases!